Democratizing Farming as a Business

What if anyone could become a profitable farmer, without needing farmland, prior experience, or a massive investment?

We’re building the ‘AirBnb of Vertical Farms’, allowing anyone with under-utilized barn, residential, or commercial space to grow and sell produce through our intelligent B2B marketplace.

Accessible, Sustainable, Affordable,

Accessible, Sustainable, Affordable,

From Strawberries to Saffron

  • Lowest Energy Aeroponic Vertical Farming System On The Market Today by Removing the Need for Water Pumps Entirely!

  • Even Works in Residential Spaces Without Additional Infrastructure

  • Diverse Crop Selection, Beyond Just Leafy Greens

  • Alleviating Food Insecurity and Fostering Food Sovereignty

  • Decentralized Network of Economic, Small-Scale Operations

Our Partners

Our Mission

At SkyAcres, we are committed to pioneering a new era of agriculture through our state-of-the-art, energy-efficient aeroponic vertical farming systems. We strive to make sustainable farming accessible and profitable for all, transcending the limitations of traditional agriculture. Our focus is not just on leafy greens but a diverse array of crops that nourish communities both nutritionally and economically. By creating a decentralized network of small-scale, low-cost farming operations, we aim to revolutionize the food supply chain, alleviate food insecurity, and empower communities with food sovereignty. At SkyAcres, we believe that better farming leads to better living. Together, let's cultivate a future where everyone has access to fresh, local, and nutritious produce

The Future of Farming is Vertical

As Seen On